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Year 7 Art

Year 7 Art has included a range of very different tasks this year across both semester as students completed work at home or at school. 


The 2D work included both drawing and collage. The drawing project required the students to create a portrait in the style of cubism. The collage task focused on the artist Henri Matisse and students created patterns using simplified shapes and forms.


The 3D work include fibre art and ceramics. The ceramic project included bowls and houses. The slab houses were created using a method involving rolling sheets of clay, cutting shapes into the clay and assembling them to form a house. In the fibre art project the students paid homage and respect to the Tjanpi Desert Weavers of the NPY Lands, Central and Western Desert Region. The students used foam tubing, wire and wool and made creatures from their own design ideas and drawings.


Glenda Tobias and Denver Carron

2D Work

Matisse Collage Task

Kai Trewin, 07BL

Matisse Collage Task

Hudsen Don, 07GR

Matisse Collage Task

Thomas Earl, 07GR

Matisse Collage Task

Eliza Kelly, 07GR

Matisse Collage Task

Xavier Mattheson, 07GR

Matisse Collage Task

Aiden Thomas, 07GR

Matisse Collage Task

Izobella Zhuinga, 07GR

Matisse Collage Task

Katie Harrison, 07GR

Matisse Collage Task

Jessica Hupfield, 07JA

Matisse Collage Task

Ebony Tucker, 07JA

Matisse Collage Task

Charlie Robbins, 07JA

2D Work

Riley Bode, 07BR

2D Work

Trey Chapman, 07BR

Matisse Collage Task

Tilly Fitzgerald, 07GO

2D Work

Seth Barnes, 07BR

Matisse Collage Task

Rukiya Sunderland, 07BR

Matisse Collage Task

Mahalia Chandler, 07GO

2D Work

Isabella Atherton, 07BR

Matisse Collage Task

Lara Mhanna, 07GO

3D Work

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Tara Hutton, 07WH

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Jack Brahe, 07SI

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Isabelle Thiele, 07WH

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Charlie Litchfield, 07WH

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Claire Benham, 07WH

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Jacob Blazinicic, 07WH

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Lilah Newberry, 07WH

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Isabelle Butler, 07WH

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Tilly Hannah, 07WH

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Lachlan Otto, 07OR

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Jude Upton, 07WH

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Jakara Adamson, 07WH

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Jacob Heasman, 07WH

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Mia Hamilton, 07WH

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Jenna Campbell, 07WH

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Hamish Butler, 07OR

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Mitchell Scott, 07SI

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Marlee Logg, 07SI

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Rowena Cumming, 07SI

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Charlie Haughey, 07SI

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Chloe Robertson, 07SI

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

David Halkidis, 07SI

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Maddie Weir, 07SI

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Lucy Roach, 07OR

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Ross Napoli, 07OR

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Luke Ivanovic, 07OR

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Alexander Jerin, 07SI

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Sasha Maggs, 07OR

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Ollie Graves, 07OR

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Karma Storen, 07OR

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Krystal Cherry, 07OR

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Alannah De Iulio, 07OR

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Katelyn Dunn, 07OR

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Archer Peacock, 07OR

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Alyssa O, 07OR

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Abbey Pardon, 07OR

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Alyssa Tenace, 07OR

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Grace Mzila, 07OR

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Will Elderhurst, 07OR

Slab Houses Ceramics

Tyler Braden, 07RE

Slab Houses Ceramics

Thomas Handasyde, 07PU

Slab Houses Ceramics

Sienna Pashalidis, 07PU

Slab Houses Ceramics

Samuel Drummond, 07PU


Samuel Drummond, 07PU

Slab Houses Ceramics

Olivia Hyndman, 07PU

Slab Houses Ceramics

Monika Mackowiack, 07RE

Slab Houses Ceramics

Marlie Sisson, 07RE

Slab Houses Ceramics

Lohlia Lovell, 07RE


Isabella Garnsworthy, 07RE

Slab Houses Ceramics

Isabella Garnsworthy, 07RE

Slab Houses Ceramics

Finn Ellis, 07RE

Slab Houses Ceramics

Emlyn Turriff, 07RE

Slab Houses Ceramics

Emmy Van Duuren, 07RE


Ava Eastmure, 07RE


Abi Mendez, 07RE

Slab Houses Ceramics

Chloe Greaves, 07RE

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Milly Russell, 07GO

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Lara Mhanna, 07GO

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Matilda Brewster, 07GO

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Noah Burow, 07GO

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Jessica Course, 07GO

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Tadhg Clinton, 07BR

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Ava Cordingly, 07BR

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Campbell Bush, 07BR

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Olivia Stoll, 07BR

Homage to Tjanpi Sculpture Task

Lily Taylor, 07BR

Remote Learning Work

Cubist Drawing Task

Aiden Thomas, 07GR

Cubist Drawing Task

Andrew Mammolotti, 07JA

Cubist Drawing Task

Ebony Tucker, 07JA

Cubist Drawing Task

Charlie Robbins, 07JA

Cubist Drawing Task

Maddison Stuart, 07GR

Cubist Drawing Task

Jess Hupfield, 07JA

Cubist Drawing Task

Chanel Lopez, 07GR

Cubist Drawing Task

Archer Collins, 07GR

Cubist Drawing Task

Jess McDonald, 07JA

Cubist Drawing Task

Casey Tricknell, 07GR

Cubist Drawing Task

Amelie Ludwig, 07BL

Cubist Drawing Task

Chloe Rainford, 07BL

Cubist Drawing Task

Lowrence Sang, 07BL

Remote Learning Work

Adam Johnson, 07GO

Remote Learning Work

Lilka Faulkner, 07BR

Remote Learning Work

Lilka Faulkner, 07BR

Remote Learning Work

Lara Mhanna, 07GO

Remote Learning Work

Cody Hoiles, 07BR

Remote Learning Work

Alannah Finn, 07BR

Remote Learning Work

Alannah Hill, 07BR

Remote Learning Work

Ava Cordingly, 07BR

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